Ps i took this photo

Ps i took this photo

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Power of Positive

Life isn't easy,but it is simple. Positive Minds produce positive lives.Negative minds produce negative lives and positive minds are always filled with faith and hope,while negative minds are full fear and doubt.

Are you afraid to hope? Are you afraid to imagine what cool things might happen in ur life because you can't face the disappointment of seeing those hopes crumble?a lot of people feel that way.they have been disappointed so many times that they don't want to open themselves up to another hurt.they are living life by playing defense all of the time.their focus is protect,protect,protect.
Joyce Meyer.

Well people always want to avoid the pain of disappointment and such.In the bible Proverbs 23:7 ~ "For as he thinks in his heart so is he" and if you're thinking that i don't know whats it like and such well whether i do or not does not matter and fine i may not have the right say it but you don't have to be a thief to catch a thief do you? well but more or so think like one.

As i was saying,a negative attitude in life has to go. in the bible Matthew 8:13, in which Jesus says that as we think and believe" it will be done for us..." well it makes sense i used to think negative and all sorts of negative things happened to me but when i started thinking positive the bright colors of the world seem to shine haha im just saying positive things happen to me haha but what Jesus pointed out doesn't mean you can get anything just by thinking about it well God isnt your personal genie in a bottle.but, He does have a perfect plan for you and that plan isn't for you to go through your life depressed and discourage.Jesus proclaimed," I have come that they may have life more abundantly"(John 10:10) & if you don't have a clue what God wants you to do with your life at this point,thats okay.Pray to him about it. but whatever He does with ur life its for good.

So practice being positive in each situation that arises in your life. that won't be easy, because not everything that happens to you will be positive; not everything will be good. but you can expect God to bring good out of even bad circumstances.Example as you guys know i broke my collarbone well fine its bad i couldnt write, couldnt play sports, COULDNT PLAY SPORTS haha yeah and thats very saddening for me but at same time it was good as well because i could destress and have more time to do things i wanted to do well except i couldnt play guitar but i could spend more time thinking about God,drawing and writing with my left hand and so much more and plus i got to sit my exam using my laptop and excused from doing homework,copying notes for 3 months XD hahaha but it still came on good =)

well you know that whole"when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" looks good on paper.but it does work in real life? Can god really work all things for good,as he primises in Romans 8:28?

The answer is yes, And here's a example,from the brutal world of boxing.Gene Tunney was a great heavyweight boxer, with knockout power in both hands. Unfortunately, the many rounds of pummeling hardheaded opponents eventually turned Tunney's fist to kindling.He broke so many bones in his hands that it lo oked like his career was over. Many fighters would have given up,if they were Tunney's shoes or boxing boots, in this

but Tunney didn't quit.He stayed positive.he reprogrammed his entire approach to his sport.He change his style, from that of a hard-swinging brawler to a technically precise tactician who specialized in strategy.he focused on well-placed jabs rather than wild haymakers. Tunney's new scientific style served him well. he eventually earned a world championship bout with Jack "the Manassa Mauler" Dempsey,the most feared heavyweight of his day.

Tunney took Dempsey apart.Twice.A brawler, Dempsey was frustrated by Tunney's careful, delibrate style. if Tunney had tried to fight Dempsey using his old style, he would have gotten rocked.he couldnt have stood toe-to-toe and traded knockout punches with Dempsey. so a seeming tragedy in Tunney's life became the very thing that halped him realize his dream.

You might be more familiar with the saga of LAnce Armstrong, who overcame life threatening cancer to become the greatest cyclist of his generation.He is on record as saying,"Cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me."he has said that he would never have become a moutiple Tour de France winner without the perspective & perseverance he learned while battling cancer.

like Tunney & Armstrong, you can adjust to what life hurls at you.You don't have to fall apart when things don't work out the way you hope.Trust God to work in your just might find that your final results be even better than you'd hoped! & lastly if you tend to be a negative person,don't feel bad about it.Don't feel condemned. because condemnation itself is negative.There's nothing worse than feeling negative about your negativism on top of everything else!just recognize the problem and begin to trust God to restore you and show you the way out of your dark tunnel
WOWIE this post is long hahhahaha i started this post last time but forgot abt it and started it agn XD ahahahaha WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haha sry can't hold back the urge to crap much ahaha but ill crap more next time hehehe and sry if thr is anythin offending or such CIAOZ FOR NOW FU....GA= FUGA!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Yikes exam is in like a few days time must nerd...well wont be bloggin for sometime now I LOVE FIREFLIGHT XD


I'm waking up
The world is turning
The sun is shining again
I'm holding on
To things I shouldn't
It's time to let them go
I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

And I can hear You say
It's a brand new day
The pain goes away
I'm headed for the door
And I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home

Your love, it burns
Away my darkness
You guide me when I'm blind
You are the light
That shines inside me
Showing me I'm
So much more
When I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

Take me into Your arms
My home lies within Your heart

And I can hear You say
It's a brand new day
The pain goes away
I'm headed for the door
And I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home