well to me or rather what i answered my aunt was that
Yes there is a difference to it to me. to me i prefer wearing the cross without the figure because to me it means that jesus has ressurected and that the cross is where i met him and the cross is my meeting place with him and to me it just signifies that he has ressurected and it will be where i will turn to him. and to me wearing the the cross with the figure is not wrong its just that i prefer it without and to me the cross with the figure means that he is still on the cross shedding blood for my sins and in a way to me it seems stagnant and i don't want jesus to be on the cross after he ressurected but i want him in my heart.
do you notice how people treat the cross as some kind of idol and things like that as to even treat the cross that's hanging around their neck at some kind of god and i don't mean to offend your beliefs just saying in a way we are to fixed on our worldly cultures and close minded opinions. like how we say we can't do this or that but really its us who restricts ourselves and make it seem like Christianity says so and by doing so people will think that we are boring and influence them for example you want to invite someone for your church event but most probably the first thought that comes to mind is "church huh hmm it must be something boring"
its because we restrict ourselves from doing it that they think we are isolating ourselves from the worldly matters. Well there is nothing we can't do,we can't do drugs,we can smoke,we can have homosexuality BUT we choose not to because we think it is not the rite thing 2 do but whereas if we are close minded christians
We always tend to isolate ourselves from the matters that seem like satan’s doing or things like it well for example Christians think that they can’t do yoga well my mother does ill clarify to you that we don’t do yoga because of the meditation that makes your head blank BUT that doesn’t mean we can’t do the art its just that we choose not to do the meditation but the thing is that yoga doesn’t really meditate often its only at those hindu temples and from those Hinduism masters but that doesn’t mean u can’t do yoga you could do it at gym WHICH 100% DON’T MEDITATE like I said its only at those deep Hinduism yoga arts which asks you to meditate
So what I’m really trying to say is don’t be close minded as other people will pass you off as a boring person and will start to think that because you are a Christian that you are boring and because of that you are giving Christianity a bad name and you may do the thing but just don’t do it so deep that it robs of your religion and such as well as you are also setting an example for Christ and To show that we aren’t boring and that when you become a Christian you can still do the things you enjoy doing best.
well that's all i have to say..... ... can't really think of what to say anymore and i'm feeling sore all over.... ... however i don't regret having these soreness cause I HAD A BLAST AT THE NST SPORTS DAY WOOHOOO~~~~~~~ I'M FEELING ALL HIGH AGAIN XD AND WHEEEEEEEEEE MY EXAMS OVER(okla i know you must think i too hyper already and i'm talking crap and just wasting your time as your reading this part =P)*poke* though i feel sore and i can barely walk properly zzzzz limping a bit
= = owieez well it just means I HAD A BLAST AT NST SPORTS DAY AND I PLAYED HARD XD WHEEEEEE well ciaoz for now and thanks for reading this.