What do you think about when you listen 2 songs?
can u relate the song to anything in your life?
do the songs give you a sense of relief in any way?
hmm when i listen 2 music sometimes i can relate some of it to my life like the song on fire by switchfoot coz sometimes i just feel like screaming but i cant and its like a fire i wanna let out and sometimes as if my fires dying and i just need directions and a feeling of just having an outburst or something like just shouting out.i think about all sort of things when i listen 2 the song.thinking about the tunes to my feel just drifting in thoughts.my relief in songs is i just cut off the world for abit n listen deeply and just think and calm down abit.
when your feeling down listen to a song that will give a sense of release for abit
just relax to the tunes and close your eyes
think back on your life and just let it all out
think of the beat
just do whatever that lets you have a moment in your own world
never hold back tears or laughter
cry all you want
laugh all you want
let it all out
experience all the feelings to the fullest coz its life
cry and let it all out be it sadness or happiness
then start filling it up with something new
laugh till it hurts COZ ITZ FUN XD ... i think
coz when it hurts you know your having fun and really laughing to the fullest
and lastly my style XD
poke all you want and make it good
before you get chased around by irritated ppl XD
poke for the fun of it not cuz u havta unless its 2 see da reaction or a dare XD
crap all u want coz crapping is good and fun
if you cant poke then start crapping
crap in a full sentence or ppl will think ur crazy but then agn from the start maybe they will XD
hahaha i cant last the intensity XD whoopz~~~ deng its 2.15am n im not asleep